Graphic Design

Produce logos and visual design for programmes and station projects.

• Design logos and visual assets for station programmes and projects.

• Develop branding materials for the station to ensure a consistent visual identity.

• Collaborate with other teams to create promotional graphics for social media and campaigns.

• Adapt designs based on feedback from team members and stakeholders.

• Stay updated with design trends to maintain modern and appealing visuals.

How to Apply for a volunteer role at Imperial Voice Radio:

Check out the volunteer roles on this page. If any interest you, please send us a message telling us :-

Which role(s) interest(s) you, what you would bring to it, what you would like to gain from it and why Imperial Voice Radio. 

Please send your message (covering letter), a CV and/or your best contact details by email to:

imperialvoiceradio @

Or use the Contact form in the site footer.

contact for image

Thanks for your time and interest.